Guide to DNA Preparation for Virus Production
Recommended DNA Growth Workflow
Our DNA Growth Protocol Yields more intact DNA features, higher DNA Yield, and less DNA recombinase independent recombination
Better DNA quality = Higher viral titer
*Please note: If you do not send us enough DNA to complete a virus prep, we will amplify your DNA and add the DNA prep charge to your order.
Ready to send in your DNA sample?
Before sending your sample, please review the following guidelines covering how to label your sample, where to send it, and how much to send. Note that amounts vary by virus type.
Please send DNA in a parafilm wrapped 1.5mL tube labeled with Construct name, Order number, and concentration (ug/ul).
Please include a printed copy of these details on the packing slip (excel file) as well, which can be downloaded from this page.
BRAIN Neurotools
5201 UNC Neuroscience Center
CB #7250 116 Manning Dr.
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7250
for all AAV preps DNA should have a concentration above 0.4 ug/uL
For a small prep (100 uL) we need 75 ug of total DNA
For a Medium prep (500 uL) Prep we need 300 ug of total DNA
Rabies: 30 ug
Small Prep: 10 ug
Standard Prep: 30 ug
Large Prep: 300 ug
Anion Exchange Purification: 300 ug
More starting material may be required for especially difficult production requirements. We will notify you if your request will require more than usual starting DNA.
Send DNA in a fully labeled and parafilm wrapped 1.5mL tube
*for all AAV preps DNA should have a concentration above 0.4 ug/uL